“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” Martin Luther

Friday, August 6, 2010

Homophobia is a Lie

Phobia is defined as "an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of some particular thing or situation; fear, dread, hatred." Websters New World College Dictionary, Fourth Ed.

So then, this word, homophobia (or more specifically the accusation hurled is homophobic), is used to claim that those that stand against homosexuality do so based on irrational fear and hatred. Yet this is not so, at least not for biblically inspired Christianity. We make our claims and indeed our every stand based on what the Word of God tells us. It has nothing to do with, or should not, the cultural currents and whims of man. Whether or not the world will agree and endorse our beliefs hardly can dictate whether or not we proclaim it as truth. In fact, it is almost certain that if you are proclaiming the Word of God to the world they will despise, ridicule, and persecute you. For we are told in our bibles that, "the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing." (Ps. 2:1) They hate you for speaking the truth and they fear you for condemning them in their sin. Thus in order to try and shut you up they use the tactic of the scoundrel and accuse you of bigotry by calling you homophobic.

Yet, the Word of God is plain on this matter. Not one single place in the bible can be found to testify to homosexuality being a natural act, thus it is a sinful choice; or to it being acceptable in the eyes of God, it is an abomination to Him. They have leveled every argument they can to say the opposite is true and utterly failed in their attempts at every step. For regardless of what they say we still have the plain truth of Scripture to light the way. Rom. 1:26-27 says, "God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Pretty blunt and to the point. Not something that logically could be misunderstood unless one is blinded by their hate for God and hardened to His Word. We know when we read this and they refute it that the only possible answer is that "hearing they hear not, neither do they understand."

Calvin says on this passage in Romans, "Respecting the judgment of God: he brings, as the first example, the dreadful crime of unnatural lust; and it hence appears that they not only abandoned themselves to beastly lusts, but became degraded beyond the beasts, since they reversed the whole order of nature." This is true, that is exactly what they have done as a result of their denial of God.

Their sin has caused them to hate God. Their hate of God causes them to sin in ever more decadent ways. Total Depravity is alive and well and shows itself abundantly true in this matter. In fact, the heart of the matter is this: they accuse us of what they themselves are guilty of. Perhaps instead of calling them homosexuals we should call them Theophobic. This is the truth of the matter. Let us view their argument in light of the aforementioned definition and in consideration of their view of God. They have "an... excessive, and persistent fear of [God and of His judgment against their sin]; [they] fear [God], [they] dread [God], [they feel] hatred [towards God]." The only word that we need to drop from the definition to make it applicable is the word "irrational". It is most certainly not irrational that unrepentant sinners that hate God and ridicule His people should fear Him. Not only is it rational... it is the only rational option for them. They must feel this way if this is how they choose to live their lives.

We should love them and seek to lead them to repentance that they too may partake in the love of God and drink a full measure of His grace. But in their current state they have no favor from Him. A righteous God cannot look down upon sin and be indifferent. That would make Him a complacent God of no consequence, a false God altogether. A holy God must despise the sin of the world and accordingly punish it; which He will do when He is ready. We must proclaim His truth and declare Him boldly to the world. Anything less would make the church complacent and a false church. We too must despise the sin of the world just as we despise it in our own hearts.

In the end, they may call us what they wish, it is a lie. They may try to self-justify their sin, it is fruitless. For in the end, the reality is that they are theophobic sinners that will perish in their sin if they do not repent and turn to God.


  1. Peace of Messiah Yahushuah upon you,
    If that name confuses, it's the hebrew for "joshua" the messiahs name. It contains the FATHER'S name.
    Im encouraged by this blog. Ive tried to explain that it's the sin we hate,or more properly grieve. I was repeatedly raped as a young Christian & boy. At the time, I didnt understand it was not my fault. Every move my Family made, I found another abuser.
    Theophobic is perfect!! As to the irrationality, it fits because of the nature of Messiah's mercy! Fear of Elohim is unfounded if true teshuvah(repentance) is offered & no more sin is commited. But after repentance comes purification, we are the bride after all... We need to understand what biblical Lepers were, it wasnt the waisting skin disease we think of. The first sign was EVIL SPEECH! When we are Really his, we rejoice every moment!

  2. I am very sorry to hear that happened to you when you were young. I am overjoyed to hear that the Lord has saved you and brought you into His holy family as a true heir with our Lord Jesus Christ, the comfort you now have is worth more than all of the heartache these wicked men subjected you to. May the face of the Lord shine upon you now and always!
