“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” Martin Luther

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

But "Trinity" Isn't a Word Found in the Bible...

Some have made this claim and followed this faulty line of reasoning in denying the trinity. And yes, it is true that you cannot find the specific use of this word in the bible. But that does not make this word not so or invalid. So, why do we use the word and how do we justify our use of it? Herman Bavinck discusses this very well in his book "The Doctrine of God".

He says, "As soon, therefore, as the data of Scripture became the object of theological reflection, it became necessary to use various phrases which do not occur in Scripture but are, nevertheless, indispensable for the twofold purpose of giving expression, albeit imperfectly, to the trinitarian truth and of defending it against misrepresentation and error. It is true that this use of terms not found in Scripture was condemned by the Arians and other advocates of various other religious tendencies; e.g., Socinians, Anabaptists, Arminians, and representatives of Biblical theology. Nevertheless, Christian theology has always defended it as proper and valuable. This attitude on the part of Christian theology is entirely correct, for Scripture was not given to us in order that we should merely repeat its exact words in parrot-like fashion but in order that we should digest it in our own minds and express it in our own words. That use was made of Scripture by Jesus and the apostles, who not only quoted the exact words of Scripture but also by a process of reasoning arrived at inferences and conclusions based upon these words. The Bible is neither a statute-book nor a dogmatics-text but it is the source of theology. As Word of God not only its exact words have binding authority but so have also all conclusions that are properly derived from it. Furthermore, neither study of Scripture nor theological activity is at all possible unless one uses terms that do not occur in the Bible. Not only are such terms used in connection with the doctrine of the trinity but in connection with every doctrine. Every phase of theological thinking requires them. The Christian's right of independent reflection upon the truth of Scripture and theology's right of existence are involved in this use of terms that do not occur in the Bible. Finally, such terms are not used in order to serve as means for the introduction of new dogmas that are foreign or even contrary to Scripture but in order to achieve the very opposite result; in order to defend the truth of Scripture against all error. Consequently, they have a negative rather than a positive function. They indicate the boundary lines of the sphere of Christian thought, beyond which it is not safe to venture forth lest one should sacrifice revealed truth. While pretending close adherence to Scripture, Biblical theology has drifted farther and farther away from the Bible; while the orthodox, ecclesiastical formulation of doctrine with its employment of terms that do not occur in the Bible has been fully justified in its claim of being scriptural."

There is a reason, and it is a valid reason, why we use these terms. The trinity is clearly taught in our Bibles, especially in the New Testament. To deny the doctrine of the trinity because we have given a theological name to the biblical teaching regarding it seems foolish at best. It is the same as saying that TULIP doesn't exist simply because we don't find that acronym in the bible; or, for that matter, that soteriology doesn't exist altogether because that theological term is nowhere to be found in the Word of God. If we excluded every theological term simply based on that logic we would have a dumb faith to be sure. The terms help us to understand and systematize the plain truths of Scripture. They are as necessary to your walk as the memorization of verses from the Bible. The trinity is real, it is taught plainly in our Bibles, and it is a basic foundational truth that must never be rejected and must always be embraced. If you deny the trinity you deny God. If you deny God you are not of Him. That is how important this is.

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